By Teresita Castillo
It has been nine years! Nine years of an exciting journey since the doors of the Arnold Janssen Kalinga Center first opened on July 16, 2015…
Born of a desire to be of service to the neglected, abandoned, and forgotten, KALINGA has, indeed served as a beacon of hope, especially to those who embrace Kulturang Kalinga. More than caring for physical well-being, Kalinga has, by recognizing Jesus in every person’s heart, provided, not just food but also clothing, showers, and more importantly, the affirmation that we are all “kapwa”—beloved in God’s eyes.

According to one of our youngest student volunteers, a 12-year old girl, this is “grace”. Indeed, there is gratitude, respect, affirmation, and Christ in everyone. Hope touches those who share the meals, as well as those who volunteer to serve them.
I have witnessed some of those experiencing homelessness heal and in gratitude, develop the desire to be part of the mission by offering to serve those who are left living on the streets. KALINGA welcomes everyone—Christians of every hue and persuasion, non-Christians, and even are non-believers, never expecting a conversion, simply because we are in this, not out of generosity, but because of love.
With gratitude and love in our hearts, together, we face whatever challenges the future holds.∎